This is a modular side scrolling pixel art pack for dungeons, houses, or even a castle.This is my first asset pack. I wanted it to be modular enough to fit multiple color palettes, positions, and needs. 48x48 sized sprites-15 base brick colors with matching background bricks and some with their own wall types-1 wooden floor-modular rafters-7 Bows-7 Daggers-7 Axes-7 Swords-7 Greatswords-7 Spears-7 Staffs-Weapon Rack-2 Different fireplaces, each with a lit and unlit version-Books, Potions, Houseplants, Skull, and Beds-3 Banner types-Bookshelves, Cabinets, Stands, Chains, Weapon Racks, and Chairs-4 Table types-Rock tiles that have outside facing edges and interior edges-3 Barrel Types-Multiple Crate types for positioning, size, and disrepair-Doors and Windows with transparent and opaque openings and states of open and close (and doorless)-3 wall types-2 texture brick colors for the walls-Lanterns and Chandeliers