Pre-built race track, ready for driving in just a few minutes.Circuit Saint Pierre is fictional race track in France. You can race on 3 configurations - Full layout, Club layout and Club Chicane layout. Track is tested in realistic racing simulator to insure it has correct scale, and is fun to drive.Main layout distance is 5km.Basic workflow description:You can assemble a complete race track within few minutes by dragging and dropping a set of prefabs into your scene. Those are:* Terrain (road, grass, concrete, curbs, lines etc.)* Vehicles* Colliders* Objects - distance markers, cars, banners* Trees* Walls and barriers* Buildings* SeatsAfter placing the pre-built track components you can easily turn off some of them if you want to customize or optimize your scene.I have made the grass, road, curbs and concrete as separate meshes. This way you can add different sound effects when car is driving over them. You can use your scripts and physics materials to make the grass mesh slippery, sand patches to slow the car down etc.Additionally, you can place individual objects to further change the appearance of the environment.Here is the list of all available 3d objects you get with the track:* Garage buildings* Utility houses* Spectator seats - small and large* Round building for VIP spectators and paddock building* Distant buildings* 9 cars, ambulance and crane hook, 3 trucks (lorries), 3 motorhomes (RVs)* 9 trees* Tyre stands and portable banner for pitlane* Distance markers and cones* Marshal tower* Large radio tower* Safety wall blocks with/without fence, and just fence* Tyre wall, tyre stack and a single tyre* Safety railing* Banners, and banner frame, L shaped banner frame* Start light cluster* Pitwall desks with seats and PC screens* Concrete slabs to cover off roads* Podium steps* Floodlight poles* Mechanic tent* Animated flag meshWhat are the benefits of using this asset?1. Ease of use. You don't have to spend hours sticking together straights and corners to make a race track. All you have to do is drag prefabs into an empty scene, and you have a realistic looking track with road, grass, mountains, trees, garages, walls and everything else you might need. All what's left is to place your vehicle prefab and start testing.2. Safety. If you have a scene with track built from separate elements, there is always possibility to corrupt the scene file, or run into compability issues after upgrading engine. If you lose your scene file, all your hard work is lost. With this pre-built asset, you will always have complete track from a handful of prefabs thrown into scene.3. Separate objects. If you don't like the trackside object placement of default track, it's easy to turn off the elements, and place trees, walls, garages and everything else as you see fit.4. Since this is a fictional race track, you can be sure you will not have any licensing problems in future, because nothing like this exist in real life.More tracks are coming!This is just my fifth track in realistic style graphics and size, I will build more tracks that use same artstyle and props, and add more objects. If you are looking for cartoon style race tracks, please check out my seller profile, I have already made 20 cartoon style circuits.For any questions about this asset send me an email to retrovalorem@gmail.com.Complete track geometry:Polygons: 2 000 000Vertices: 2 500 00040 Materials65 Textures (including specular and normal maps ) - sizes from 512x512px to 8192x2048pxUV mapping: mixedRender pipeline - Package uses Built-in RP, but can be switched to URP/HDRP