Tired of the generic arms items / weapons for Horror FPS Kit?Weapons for HFPS is here to help!Designed from the ground up to completely expand what is possible,Weapons for Horror FPS Kit provides custom features and complete flexibilitywith no limitations on what you can create for your players to use in game!In order to utilize Weapons you MUST OWN a copy of Horror FPS KIT!DEMO BUILD | DOCUMENTATION | DISCORDWhat you get:Custom Weapon ControllerCustom Impact Handler3 Demo Scenes30+ Demo WeaponsDemo Animations, Models, Sounds, Graphics, etc.DocumentationWeapon Features:6 Weapon Types (i.e General, Camera, Light, Melee, Projectile & Throwable)Weapon Aim (i.e similar to basic HFPS weapons)Weapon Activation (i.e activate / deactivate via input)Weapon Attachments (i.e camera light, taclight, laser sight, etc.)Weapon Attachments Input (i.e can activate / deactivate via input)Impact Types (i.e on impact spawn decal, particle, prefab, drop item, etc.)UI Display (i.e ammo, lifetime, percentage, etc.)Lifetime (i.e light > reduces life over time, etc.)General Particles (i.e call to play via function from event, script, etc.)Weapon Particles (i.e triggers on weapon charge, fire, reload, etc.)Sounds (i.e call to play via function from event, script, etc.)Sound Reaction (i.e any sound played from the sound library, can trigger a sound reaction for nearby enemies)Supports Jumpscares (i.e reacts to jumpscare)Supports Legacy, Generic & Custom Animation SetupsIntegrationsDizzy Media Assets:Audio Diaries for HFPSText Diaries for HFPSDiaries Pack for HFPSComponents for HFPSDurability for HFPSExtensions for HFPSMobile Controls for HFPSPuzzler for HFPSShooting Range for HFPSVendor for HFPS3rd Party:HFPS Localization SystemYou can learn more about the product(s) on Discord!Feel free to share your work there if you've used our assets in your project.Weapon Specific Features:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Camera ~Camera View - Shows live display through camera screenCamera States - Can switch between different states (i.e night vision, etc.), comes with display layer options (i.e show something on one state but not another, etc.)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Light ~Activate Start / Stop Control - Controls activation for light source either instant or over time (i.e flashlight > instant, lantern > over time, etc.)Flame Reduction - Options to reduce flame alpha, size or both (i.e for weapons that use a flame and lifetime options)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Melee ~Hit Detection - Object hit detection via raycast using layersHit Options - Distance, force, delay, etc.Impact Types - Spawns decal on object hit (i.e wood, metal, etc.)Kickback - Weapon sway for kickback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Projectile ~Projectile Type - Charge, Semi-Auto, Auto & ShotgunAim Type - Screen Center or Custom TransformAmmo Type - Limited or UnlimitedBullet Type - Raycast or PrefabHit Type - Raycast, Projectile & TriggerImpact Types - On impact spawn decal, particle, prefab, drop item, etc.Shell Eject - Ejects shell prefab from transform~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Throwable ~Throw Type - Auto throws object (i.e can use a delay) or Manual throw object (i.e via animation event, etc.)Aim Type - Screen Center or Custom TransformImpact Types - On impact spawn decal, particle, prefab, drop item, etc.Save State - Creates saveable object on throw (i.e glowstick, etc.)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~