Medical image viewer leveraging the VTK library. Provides a hardcoded example scene dedicated to medical imaging to showcase the rendering and processing capabilities of the VTKUnity-Activiz asset.Documentation | VTK | Activiz | ContactKitware provides this asset to showcase the integration of the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) in Unity through a minimalist medical image viewer.It provides a small subset of the VTK features for medical image processing and visualization to allow users to load their medicales images and visualize them in their Unity application.DICOM folders, NifTI(nii, nii.gz), Nrrd (.nrrd, .nhdr), MetaImage (mha, mhd), and VTK (.vti) input file formats are supported.2D slice (MPR) and 3D volume rendering representations of the data are available.This asset is not meant to be customized nor extended. To integrate the full set of VTK processing and rendering capabilities in your Unity project, one should use the VTKUnity-ActiViz asset which gives access to the complete set of VTK features in a C# API.The technical documentation and the example scenes shipped with this asset show how to set up the VTK Medical Viewer scene in your Unity project.The list below highlights the features provided by this asset:I/O:VTK XML Image (.vti)MetaImage (.mha/.mhd)DICOM folder (Path to a folder containing DICOM images)NifTI (.nii, .nii.gz)Nrrd (.nrrd, .nhdr)Features:Volume renderingVolume croppingSlice renderingInteractive reslicingMulti-planar reconstruction (MPR)Window/LevelLimitations- OS support:The VTK plugin has been implemented and tested for Windows only. Support for Linux, MacOS and Android might come in future versions.- Unity Graphics API:VTK relies on the OpenGL rendering backend, thus Unity graphics API must be set to OpenGLCore.- Virtual and Augmented Reality:Although VTK and ActiViz natively support rendering in VR and AR headsets such as the Hololens 2, the Unity support for OpenXR does not work with the OpenGLCore rendering backend. For this reason, the plugin only supports rendering in VR headsets using the Unity legacy VR support that is based on OpenVR and available in Unity 2019.- Missing features:This asset provides a small subset of the VTK features available in C++. It is possible to access the whole set of features offered by VTK by using the VTKUnity-Activiz paid asset. Please contact kitware@kitware.fr for details or troubleshooting.