With this pack you can easily start any game with agricultural vehicles. There are basic agricultural vehicles here. Thanks to this package, you can perform basic operations on the farm.This is a low poly pack.In this package you will find everything you need to build a functioning village.There are machines of various types of transport: a bus, a locomotive with a cargo wagon and a passenger wagon. A delivery car and a transporter that can be used on the farm as a facility to bring supplies from the city to the farm.This package also includes a modular road and railway tracksAdditionally, there are various types of feeders and watterers for animals: for chickens, pigs and forest animals. There is also a beehive, a bee, a horse fence, horse obstacles and a horse box.Basic farm buildings:barn,wooden building,windmill andwater mill.horse BoxAdditionally, there are various additions related to the farm.Farm Vehicles:Tractor with Loader (Fork and Spoon)Trailer smallTrailer bigTrailer for hayHarvesterAgricultural SeederAgricultural SpreaderAgricultural SprayerCultivatorRound BallerSquare BallerFarm Plants (5 stages of height) :CornWheatEnvironment:3 trees with various color version1 bush with 4 variants of colorcrop field variants3 Rocks with 3 variantsFarm Objects:Chicken CoopChicken EggChicken Egg Boxs - 10 and 30Chicken FeederChicken NestChicken PerchChicken WatererDog BowlDog HouseForest Animal FeederHorse FenceHorse GateHorse StallPig FeederPig WaterrerObstacle For HorseOther buildings:Bus stopPlatformRailway GatehouseOther Vehicles:TruckTransporterTrailer For HorseBusLocomotiveCargo WagonPassenger WagonPlatform WagonModular objects:RoadsRailway TracksSidewalksRailway Objects:Road SignRoad BarrierTrash CanBenchLampTunelThis package was only supposed to contain basic agricultural machines and buildings. But it has grown a little.So take and play with all these objects in your projects.Number of textures : 18Texture dimensions : 1024 x 1024Number of prefabs: 153 prefabsUV mapping: Yes