The package includes 9 animated insect monsters.Welcome! This insect package includes all the necessary animations which are enemies in your game.
Unity 2022.3.16f1Spine 4.2 betaStandard PipelineURP
Note: That you don't need the Spine software to use this package. Only the Spine-Unity V4.2 beta package is required, which can be easily installed from here https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity-download#spine-unity-4.2-betaThe spine license details https://en.esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-licenseFile count: 9 optional json and prefabssizes: 3.40 mbAnimated: Yes1. BEETLE: idle, walk, run, dash, attack, hurt, dead2. DUAL SWORDS: idle, fly, attack, hurt, dead (dead, fall, fall to grounded).3. CANON: idle, walk, run, attack, hurt, dead4. SCISSORS: idle, fly, attack, hurt, dead (dead, fall, fall to grounded)5. FLY: idle, fly, attack, hurt, dead (dead, fall, fall to grounded)6. MANTIS: idle, walk, run, attack, hurt, dead7. BOBOOM: idle, walk, run, hurt, dead (dead, warning, explode)8. CENTIPEDE: donothing, attack.9. SNAIL: idle, walk, jump, roll (idle to roll, roll), endroll, hurt, deadAdditional: pixel based