The Stamp Converter for Gaia allows you to conveniently convert stamps of the Ultimate StampIT! Collection to ready-to-use stamps for Gaia.This package is compatible with all Render Pipelines.OverviewWith the Stamp Converter for Gaia you can conveniently convert stamps of the Ultimate StampIT! Collection to stamps which are ready-to-use for Gaia at the click of a button and extend your stamp library from a few to a 1000.Quick StartThe converter is as convenient and flexible as possible: Select the heightmap input path and the output path, hit the convert button and be done with it. The converted stamps are ready to be used by Gaia's stamper.FREE ConverterThe converter is free to use. I made it flexible, so you can use them with any kind of heightmap.FREE StampsIf you need free stamps or just want to try my stamps before you buy them, feel free (lots of free here :-) to check out my StampIT! Collection - FREE Examples which contains more than 50 high quality textures in stunning 4K resolution.FREE TexturesIn addtion to the free converter and the free terrain stamps which I provide you can also get 30+ Terrain Textures for FREE.VideoThe video shows converted stamps in use. If you prefer, you can also purchase my converted and ready-to-use stamp asset Ultimate Stamp Bundle for Gaia - Best of 2024.The files are converted and saved in Gaia's User Data folder where they can be picked up by Gaia's World Designer.