Stickwoman clothes can be used in 1000+ different combinations1 different textures, 2 materials, for unique applications that are sizes 2048x2048Rigging : YesUV mapping : NoAnimation : No Mobile-friendly Low-poly Stickwoman Clothe pack for games1 StickwomanTop Clothes : 100Bottom Clothes : 100Hair : 50Hat : 35Beard : 35Shoe : 50Glasses : 7Prefab : 1 CharacterAvarage Polygon CountStickman : 1862 Tris10 x 10 Top Clothes : 688 ( 168 to 1264 ) Tris10 x 10 Bottom Clothes : 1000 ( 252 to 2560 ) Tris10 x 5 Hair : 880 ( 448 to 2464 ) Tris7 x 5 Hat : 694 ( 528 to 1068 ) Tris5 x 10 Shoe : 520 ( 400 to 708 ) Tris7 Glasses : 340 ( 140 to 528 ) Tris