This is ULTIMATE MUSIC a Collection of 100+ Songs for Games, and it’s growing all the time! (8 in Free Pack)Hello, I'm Theo, a Game Dev for System Techs Media, and the creator of this collection.I Produce Games, Songs, Sound FX and ART.All Songs are at 44100hz, 16bit Stereo, in .flac (lossless audio) format with volume set to -6db. Use the whole song or splice for more options.Check out my music portfolio: open.spotify.com/artistLICENSEThese Clips are released under a CC Creative Commons license. You can use any of the clips in your game project, however, you cannot repackage and/or sell these clips.Royalty-Free:Users can use the tracks, in commercial projects without any additional fees or royalties.Unlimited Projects:Users can incorporate the audio and use it across various media types, including but not limited to films, television shows, online videos, podcasts, video games, and live performances.Not Allowed:Users cannot repackage and/or sell the audio files as standalone files.3rd Party Licenses are located in Documentation\Third-Party Notices.txt© 2024 SYSTEMTECHS LTDBackGround