The Ultimate StampIT! Bundle for Gaia - 4K HQ contains 160 variations of the most favored stamps of the Ultimate StampIT! Collection, a set of high resolution 4K stamps and brushes for Unity.The package consists of textures in high quality 4K resolution which can be used in any pipeline or environment that supports heightmap textures.OverviewThe Ultimate Stamp Bundle for GAIA - 4K HQ in high quality 4K resolution is based on the Ultimate StampIT! Collection. It contains new variations of the most favored stamps by the community.This bundle contains a total of 160 high quality textures in these 16 categories, all of them in one single asset:CanyonsCratersDunesHighlandsIslandsMeadowsMonument DesertRocky DesertRocky PlateausRugged RocksSeaside CliffsTerrace FieldsTundraValleysVolcanosMoonThe high quality heightmaps can be used as stamps with Gaia in order to stamp features on your Unity terrain. Or you could use these heightmap textures in other assets like MicroVerse, Unity Terrain Tools, Atlas, Map Magic 2, Vista, etc.The asset consists of the heightmaps and the brush presets, the terrain textures are not included.You can see a preview of the Stamps in the Package Content tab. For more screenshots please check out the individual packages.Feel free to check out the free StampIT! Collection Examples asset before you purchase this asset.FREE version of this assetYou can get a free version of this asset from the Unity Asset Store, itprovides the stamps in 2K resolution: Ultimate StampIT! Bundle for GAIA - FREETerrain Textures - FREEIf you need textures for terrain, here's a link to my assetTerrain Textures - FREE (for MicroVerse and other Assets)The asset contains terrain textures which you can use in combination with my stamps.This is a "Thank you very much for your continued Support!" asset, for purchasing my Terrain Stamps and for the positive reviews. It's very motivating. So I made the terrain textures FREE for everyone!About this assetI kept getting asked by the community about new variations of my terrain stamps. So I decided to create a completely new set of stamps. The set is based on the stamps in the Ultimate StampIT! Collection and provides new variations of them. The heightmaps in this asset are unique and not contained in the other assets. If you already own the Ultimate StampIT! Collection, you can get this asset with a minimal upgrade fee.The stamps for this edition were chosen depending on requests I got from the community and on the download data of my stamps.I hope you guys enjoy this extension and please do share what you create with the stamps. I'm always eager to see what everyone creates using my work and how everyone benefits from it.Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestion: How does this work with Gaia?Answer: The stamps ready to use. They are converted to the image format that's common for Gaia and pre-configured so that you can access them directly with the Gaia Stamper.Question: What is the difference to the Ultimate StampIT! Bundle - Best of 2024 ?Answer: This asset is preconfigured for Gaia. I did the conversion of all of the 150 stamps so that you don't have to. This asset is ready to use. Just install it and pick your preferred stamps in Gaia.Question: If I own the Ultimate StampIT! Bundle - Best of 2024, do I have to buy this version for Gaia again?Answer: The upgrade to the version without Gaia is free. In the same way the other direction, i. e. the upgrade to this Gaia specific version is free as well. Just assign it to your account if you already own one of them.Question: How does this asset compare to the individual assets of the Ultimate StampIt! Collection?Answer: The stamps in the individual assets of the Ultimate StampIt! Collection are varied by ground details like erosion, sedimentation, cavity and slope considerations, etc. The stamps in this bundle are variations of selected stamps of the individual assets.Question: If I already own the Ultimate StampIT! Collection, should I get this bundle?Answer: This asset contains new unique variations of stamps. In case you want more, I think it's worth the minimal upgrade fee.Question: Is this a single download or a bundle?Answer: This is a single download, all stamps are within this asset.DependenciesThis asset is configured for Gaia, but you can easily use it in combination with other assets as well. Even standard Untiy terrain.Showcase Images and VideosThe images and videos show examples about the stamps being used to create terrain in general, their use is not limited to Gaia. You can use them in other applications and assets as well, basically every application and asset that supports heightmaps. Please take a look at the individual packages to see information about the videos and their content.In order to learn more about the brushes please visit the official Unity documentation about Brushes and in particular the information about Stamping.