![[K] Stylized Forest/Spruce Forest/ Modular Village BUNDLE #1](https://assetstorev1-prd-cdn.unity3d.com/key-image/f8366bce-99dc-4ccc-9181-f6bc7b6ef215.jpg)
[K] Stylized Forest/Spruce Forest/ Modular Village BUNDLE #1
Kelhem Store
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Stylized Environment asset, beautiful choice for your game,
to create stunning fantasy landscapes with ease!This bundle consists of two of our outstanding assets, created with you in mind. It includes two sets of 3D models, offering you endless possibilities to create fantastic worlds, including magical forests, mysterious underwater realms, and thrilling adventures.In addition, this bundle comes with custom shaders for foliage, bushes, and flowers, giving your world a unique stylized look.Purchasing this bundle provides significant cost savings compared to buying each set separately. You'll gain access to both assets and use them in your projects, saving money and unlocking limitless potential for your creative ideas.Assets in this bundle:https://u3d.as/35G3https://u3d.as/38xGAlso you can check my other links:https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/40186https://learn.unity.com/u/5c0bd616edbc2a002041a8d1?tab=profilePackage starts in URP project, but you can import Built-in package (included)For using butterflies in URP need to install Visual Effect GraphAsset List: Stylized Forest + Modular VillageMeshes2 Types of Bushes (600 - 900 trits LOD1 )5 Types of Flowers (52 - 1056 trits)5 Types of Mountains (5638 - 1143 trits)4 Props (148 - 552 trits)5 Types of Rocks (46 - 682 trits)5 Types of Trees (1272 - 7200 trits LOD1 )63 Types of building parts11 Types of Propsx36 Foliage PrefabsGras, flowers, bushes, Treesx22 PropsExteriorFences, Lanterns, boxes, barrels, benches, Table, Sidewalksx70 Village (lowpoly with LODs)57 building parts8 ready buildings5 Street Presetsx4 Other meshesx5 Mountainsx6 Rocksx14 Otherx1 Skyboxx10 Terrain Texturesx4 Particle Effectsx2 Shadersx2 VegetationAsset List: Stylized Spruce ForestAsset List:x34 Meshes4 Types of Bushes (168- 1000 trits)8 Types of Flowers (28 - 196 trits)2 Types of Mountains (2928- 5753 trits)6 Types Props (96- 3116 trits)3 Types of Rocks (432 - 1016 trits)1 Cliff (6022 LOD0 - 848 LOD3)3 Types Mushrooms (204 trits - 1 mushroom)5 Types of Trees (1100- 7808 trits LOD0 )1 Stump (2120 LOD0 - 198 LOD2)Butterflysx24 Foliage PrefabsGras, flowers (x8), bushes (x4), Trees (x5), Mushrooms (x6)x6 PropsFence (x4) , Bridge, Small Bridgex16 Other prefabsx2 Mountainsx3 Rocksx1 Cliffx4 FX (in Built-in pipeline) - Butterflys and Fireflyx6 FX (in URP) - Butterflys and Fireflyx14 Otherx1 Skyboxx13 Terrain TexturesShaders & VFXx3 Shaders for Vegetation and Trees and Butterfly (Built-In)x2 Shaders for Vegetation and Tree (URP)x2 VFX for Butterfly (URP)Skyboxes