Turbo Clean Code helps you to clean your code easier. Fix SRP issues in your code faster with Turbo Clean Code!🟥🟩🟦 Features 🟦🟩🟥- Scripts sorting by their lines count- Basic statistics display about your code- Customization of script themes and state thresholds- Customization of folders taken into account- Automatic refresh after saved code edits- Targeted script selection in Project window🟥🟩🟦 Why using Turbo Clean Code? 🟦🟩🟥Having long scripts in your code is generally the sign that your code does not respect enough the 'Single-Responsibility Principle', and can lead you to 'God object' antipattern.The Single-Responsability Principle (SRP) is the first and probably the most important principle from famous SOLID principles that guides you to make robust clean code, and unfortunately generally it's the least respected principle.🟥🟩🟦 What Turbo Clean Code can do? 🟦🟩🟥With Turbo Clean Code, you can visualize in a window all your scripts sorted by its lines count in order to quickly identify too long scripts in your code that probably ignore SRP.🟥 Scripts sortingYou can sort scripts by their name, their lines count or their path, both by ascending or descending order.🟩 Statistics displayThe Scripts Sorter window display basics statistics about your code : scripts number, total lines of code, average lines by script and median.🟦 Themes customizationYou can create and customize window themes for script length lines count states.By default, there's 3 differents themes parts for the default theme:* Error: Scripts longer or equal than 200 lines, displayed in red.* Warning: Scripts between 100 lines (included) and 200 lines (excluded), displayed in yellow.* Log: Scripts less than 100 lines in white.You can add or remove such theme parts, customize their lines count threshold and displayed icon and colors. Two built themes are included: Default theme and Another theme. Turbo Clean Code works with both dark and light mode.🟥 Included and excluded folders customizationYou can customize which folders are or aren't taken into account for visualization.🟩 Automatic refresh after saved code editsEach time you save your code, changes will be taken into account automatically in the window after compilation in the Editor. No need to refresh manually the window. There's a Reload Window button in the Scripts Sorter window, but it's only useful when you customize themes or folders selection, to avoid the need to re-open the window.🟦 Scripts selection in Project windowBy clicking on a script name button in the Scripts Sorter window, it selects the script in the Project window. It allows you to quickly select the targeted scripts you want to refactor, depending their lines count.