Advanced Crafting System with two different variations, Recipe Book, Drag and Drop and more...This Advanced Crafting System contains the following content:- Inventory System - My free asset that is the base for this asset with Save system and Stackable Objects- Basic/Normal Crafting System --> Make Crafting Tables that accept only one type of item per slot and any quantity the player has in the Inventory, the order in which the ingredients are placed on the slots does not matter to make the Item- Ordered Crafting System --> Make Crafting Tables like Minecraft where the order of the ingredients on the Crafting Slots or Grid matters to craft the Item- Recipe Book System for both Crafting Systems - Open the Recipe Book to access all the Recipes of the Table Open and place the ingredients directly on the Slots- Discover Recipes by trial and error for both Systems where the Crafting System checks everytime an ingredient is placed which recipe can be made- Drag and Drop for both systems - Drag Items from the Inventory to the Crafting Table and back- Make Crafting Tables the Size you want! - For both Systems you can place the slots of the table in whatever way you want and use as many slots as you want, make 4x2 Crafting Tables or Round ones, very easy to implement- Includes Save and Load for the Inventory System and also for the Recipes discovered- Fully Documented and with Editor customization to helpObs: The Icon Images used in the video, images and icon of this asset are free to use under the license 3.0 CC, you can find them in "game-icons.net". The icons are not inside the asset folder, inside you will find equivelent pixel art icons.