A collection of three assets from the NewGen Series.This pack requires the HDRP render pipeline.URP version is available with a free upgrade path between pipelines.NewGen: UrbanCreated in a New York style, New Gen Urban is a high-quality asset for fast city creation.Designed with the same scale as City Builder Urban for easy integration for CBU owners.This asset contains a 500m X 800m sample scene with day and night scenes.(Mega Props Urban Include)Includes:15 Billboard props (Shader and script included)20 Building faces (Interior mapped included).26 Building props.6 Different color cars.18 Construction props.26 Lamps and posts.7 Park props.11 Plantbeds.9 Prebuilt lost (For fast city creation)11 Shop signs.27 Street and road props24 Path, roads, and rail segments (Wet shader included)NewGen: Neon DistrictCreated in a 1950s Chicago style, NewGen: Neon District is a high-quality asset for fast city creation.Designed with the same scale as all CityBuilder and NewGen assets for easy integration into other ReversedInt assets.Includes:Wet Shaderinterior shader35 City building props.21 Advert Props4 Fences67 food and restaurant props Lamps and posts.14 Market/ shop props.23 Street Props.25 Trash propsNewGen: Industrial revolutionNewGen: Industrial Revolution contains a total of 135 high-quality prefabs.NewGen: Industrial Revolution is a high-quality asset pack designed for quick industrial revolution city building.AI was used in NewGen: Neon District to create the 1950s style adverts.