A fresh take on compelling modern game music themes.
Suitable to a wide range of UNITY experiences.Music's been an important part of my relationship to video games. Some of my favorite pieces of music are in video games. I've listened to dozens of hours of Masato Nakamura's (中村 正人) Sonic music outside of the game. This collection of music is offered in that spirit. Of course, i'm not claiming anything contained in these works comes close to anything the great master composers for Sonic the Hedgehog, or Super Mario Bros created. But it's evident to me that they really focused their attention, and intentions on the music they created for those games. In an era of automated music tools, my goal is to preserve the human touch often lost in the loop-driven, AI-dominated landscape. This music is my contribution to keeping that connection alive — a testament to the profound impact gaming music has had on my life.In this collection, I've curated pieces of music, some cherished for over a decade before sharing. I believe the energy a game derives from its music is vital for connection. These tracks aren't meant to fulfill all your musical needs but to serve as a distinctive sprinkle, standing out among your choices. They're intended as a starting point, meant to linger and resonate, contributing to the narrative you craft. I approach this task earnestly, offering these compositions to enhance the emotional journey of your creation.I hope to compile more of these, and get better at delivering the material to make it more usable in your unique creations. Happy to hear your feedback, and i'm open to making updates to the arrangements to optimize their usage.All customers will receive free future updates!- Credits -Composed by Johannes de SilencioProduced by Little Piece of MeFor original commissions please email or call:LittlePieceOfMeMusic@gmail.comFile Type: AIFSample Rate: 48kHzLoopable: YesAdditional: Stereo Mixes, Mixed for and tested in Spatial Audio.