Manager for downloading and saving images to storage, loading images from any location, resizing to reduce memory size, caching and memory management.Downloads images by URL and saves to the local storage. Supports image loading from a local path, StreamingAssets folder, and from Resources.The Сaching System allows you to download an image once and the next time load it to memory from local storage. Memory caching allows you to load Texture or Sprite into memory once and then use it on multiple components.Memory Management keeps track of loaded images in memory. Unloads unused images from memory if the memory limit is exceeded or a LowMemory Event is triggered.Support of platforms: Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, LinuxFast: Designed and heavily optimized for performance.Lightweight Package: The API is specifically designed not to add unnecessary baggage or overhead to your projectAny image location: Load Texture/Sprite from Url, local storage, StreamingAssets or Resources.Caching: Local storage and Memory Caching.Queueing: Downloading/Loading queue with priorities and concurrent downloading requestsMemory Management: Don’t worry about RAM overflow on your target device. The plugin automatically tracks the number of downloaded images in memory.Resize option for downloaded images to reduce memory size.Control over memory limit for Cache.Memory cleanup when there is little memory left.