6 Battle Mechs designed for both FPS and top-down games.6 unique battle mechs, optimized and game-ready. The mechs are carefully crafted piece by piece to give them the ultimate mechanical look. For each character, you can choose from multiple texture sets with up to 4k resolution.Fully rigged and animated.Clean, optimized mesh & LODs.Some have additional sounds and particle effects.CHARACTERSWith this pack you save over 50% compared to purchasing the characters individually.➡️Obliterator - Heavy Battle Mech➡️Pushfire - Heavy Battle Mech➡️Doomshot - Transformer Mech➡️Ironclad - Tactical Battle Mech➡️Shock Bomber - Heavy Battle Mech➡️Legio - Heavy Battle MechEnjoy!Number of characters: 6Texture Resolutions: (4096x4096)OBLITERATORAnimations: 27x (incl. 11x Root Motion)Vertex count: 24.4k + 2 LODTextures: 4x Diffuse (Steel, Military, Teal, Dark) + 1x Normal + 1x Metallic/SmoothnessPUSHFIREAnimations: 26 (incl. 8 Root Motion)Vertex count: 14.8k + 2 LODTextures: 4x Diffuse (Camo Green, Camo Desert, Copper, Steel) + 1x Normal + 1x Metallic/SmoothnessDOOMSHOTAnimations: 32 (incl. 8 Root Motion)Vertex count: 12.3k + 2 LODTextures: 4x Diffuse (Military, Copper, Desert, Steel) + 1x Normal + 1x Metallic/SmoothnessIRONCLADAnimations: 22 (incl. 5 Root Motion)Vertex count: 24.5k + 2 LODTextures: 3 Sets, each with Diffuse+Normal+Metallic/SmoothnessSHOCK BOMBERAnimations: 30x incl. 10 Root MotionVertex count: 18.7k + 2 LODTextures: 3x Diffuse (Heavy Metal, Desert Metal, Green Tank), 1x Normal, 1x Metallic/SmoothnessAudio: 9 Sounds + 2 Short Music ClipsLEGIOAnimations: 17x incl. 5 Root MotionVertex count: 9.1 k + 2 LODTextures: 3x Diffuse (Classic Metal, Olive Drab, Rustic Bronze), 1x Normal, 1x Metallic/SmoothnessAudio: 5 Sounds + 2 Short Music Clips