Zombies Bundle V1 - 5 Assets, all with 4k textures and many materialsZombies Bundle V1 is a bundle which includes 5 assets. After purchasing this bundle, visit each package listed below, and you will be able to get them for free.You get ONE zombie for FREE for this price with this bundle!Links to the Assets:Zombie Man AZombie Man BZombie Man CZombie Woman DZombie Woman ECommon Features:Skinned and Rigged to Humanoid SkeletonNO ZOMBIE ANIMATIONS INCLUDED!You can use any Mecanim compatible animation to live it up! See at the bottom for more info.Low PolyAround 7-10000 verticesOne Mesh and Body Parts meshes.Later can be used with various Dismemberment systems, or just to have bodies with missing limbs etc.4096x4096 texture maps (can be scaled down for more performance)4 Head Blend Shapes:Mouth OpenAngryEye Closed LeftEye Closed RightOne PBR material per model (Women have two materials, skin and hair material)4 skins per model,2 Bloody, and 2 just the same but clean(not bloody) if you want to add your own blood or damage)Included are prefabs with Customization ScriptStandard, URP and HDRP materials and prefabsEmissive map for the glowing eyes, can be turned on/offEyes and Jaw have bones tooIncluded is also Instantiate Scripts to spawn the customized character.The models have NO animations included!It is however Mecanim Ready, so you can use MoCap or other Mecanim compatible animations to live her up.The videos use Zombie Starter - MoCap Pack by MoCap Online.They have also Zombie PRO pack, check them out!You can use also Mixamo.com FREE animations!4k TexturesLow PolyHumanoid SkeletonPBR realistic materialsModularStandard, URP and HDRP projectsGlowing EyesBody Parts for dismembermentOne material per model (Woman have two materials, skin and hair material)4 skins per model