A file browser for your Unity projects!
Works out of the box by using a prefab and making a function call, or can be customized and integrated into your game menus.The Acobs File Browser is implemented in a modular way to allow for rich customization and integration into your game menus. The main file browser API component includes the core functionality of a file browser and helper functions to interact with the file system. You can build your own UI around this API, customize the existing one, or use the provided pre-made file browsers that can be used out of the box. Pre-made file browsers can also be customized with themes, you can place them on any canvas, and different screen orientations for Android devices are supported. On Android versions that require the Storage Access Framework, the user can give the app permissions for directories and then browse them as usual in this file browser.The file browser API is fully documented and some unit tests for the Unity Test Runner are provided here.FeaturesThe main file browser API supports common features of a file browser:Browse the file systemRenameMoveCopyDeleteFilter files/directoriesPre-defined and user-defined schortcuts to quickly access directoriesThe file browser is customizable:The default UI can be easily customized with themesFile browser API and UI are fully seperated, i.e., the provided UI can be extended or replaced with a custom UIFine grained options to control how the file browser behaves and to limit what the user can do, e.g., disable the ability to delete filesPre-made basic file browser:File Browser API + UI to be used out of the boxCan be used to pick files to open or save toAvailable as an "overlay file browser" displayed accross the whole screen or can be placed on a canvas in the sceneAndroid specific features:Permission handling on AndroidAndroid Storage Access Framework supportSupport to intercept native dialogs (like permission requests) to, e.g., not unexpectedly end a VR/XR experienceSupported PlatformsWindowsAndroid (including support for Android Storage Access Framework)DocumentationThe documentation an be found here: filebrowser.acobstechnologies.com