The package is highly optimized and created with an atlas map for quick rendering.It works with the built-in render pipeline by default, with extra Unity packages inside for HDRP and URP support.- To install HDRP, click on "Bio Lab HDRP unitypackage" in the HDRP folder.- To install URP, click on "Bio Lab URP unitypackage" in the URP folder. Don't forget to install HDRP and URP in your project.Pack Features:- High quality textures - 2048 pixels (Albedo, Mask and Normal map)- HDRP, URP and built-in render pipeline (standard render)- Clean and worn textures/materials for all objects.- 57 Prefabs- Pack for your Desktop, VR or Mobile projects.- Baked Lighting- Post Processing Setup- All textures are PNG format.- Emissive texture for lights included.- Collider included.- Clear and optimized geometry.- All materials and textures in the package are properly named and organized.- 1 Demo scene included.All source files are included in this package. Bright Vision Game is a team of 3D Game artists with over a decade of experience in the field. Also, check out our other models, just click on our user name to see complete gallery.Bright Vision GameIf you like this product, please rate and comment.Support Email: brightvisiongame@gmail.comPoly Count:Airlock Tris 1758Beaurate Tris 2284BottleA Tris 524BottleB Tris 524BottleC Tris 524CapsuleChamber Tris 3720CeilingLight Tris 66Chair Tris 8403ChemJarA Tris 3180ComputerConsole Tris 512CultivaterCell Tris 10680DisplayMoniter Tris 3532DisplayScreenA Tris 36DisplayScreenB Tris 36Door Tris 294EquipmentA Tris 1336FolderA Tris 94FolderB Tris 94Frame Tris 192HangingLight Tris 157HazardRes Tris 4893Lab Tris 555LabCabinet Tris 82LabDeskA Tris 2348LabDeskB Tris 1316LabDeskLong Tris 256LabPlantA Tris 312LabPlantB Tris 90LabPlantBoxA Tris 358LabPlantBoxB Tris 358LabPlantC Tris 548LabShelf Tris 30LabTank Tris 1464LightBulbGreen Tris 432LightBulbRef Tris 432LightRod Tris 276MetalAC_A Tris 302MetalAC_B Tris 156MetalBarrier Tris 564MetalCrowdC Tris 412MetalPipeA Tris 1332MetalPipeB Tris 416MetalPipeC Tris 4220Microscope Tris 4046Piller Tris 14PipeA Tris 60PipeB Tris 20Plant_Palm Tris 3694Plant2 Tris 12396PlantChamberGrp Tris 6086Port Tris 198ShellCollider Tris 32SlideDoor Tris 120SteelStair Tris 2370Stool Tris 2536TestTubeGrp Tris 2076WindowFrame Tris 192- Textures Size - 2048X2048 pixels- 57 Prefabs- All textures are PNG format.- 1 Demo scene included.