If you take game development seriously, you know that elevating your game from craft to art is not a simple deal.
It requires a lot of fine-tuning and polishing of every aspect of the game.
Easy Splatters is a MUST if you really want your game to stand out between the thousands of games that are released daily.
We built this splatter system after not being able to find any simple-to-use, high-quality splatter systems that required minimum configuration and at the same time were highly customizable.
This package will allow you to have splatters up and running in your 2D game in no more than 5-10 minutes.
Configure Everything:
-Amount of splatters per collision
-Splatter scale
-Splatter color
-Splatter sprites
-Splatter FadeIn/FadeOut
-Splatter Alpha
-Splatter Rotation
-Splatter pooling and Pool Size
Set your own values or allow the system to calculate random values in your given ranges so every splatter looks different!
Since performance is a concern, special care was used to make this implementation very efficient, supporting hundreds of splatters even on Mobile!
Demo Scene included!