Kotangent Stylized Food Pack - Ingredients
Kotangent Studio
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Stylized Cute Foods, Mainly Ingredients are in this pack.
It's part of a bigger collection.37 Raw foods Ingredients with variations (Such as different color or shapes)22 Processed food Ingredients95 PrefabsI am planning to add more foods after I finish all the packages. Currently Included Prefabs are ;Green AppleRed AppleApple SliceApple AnimationArtichoke Variant 1Artichoke Variant 2Artichoke ClearedAvacado HalvedAvacado WholeHalf BananaPeeled BananaBanana SliceWhole BananaBanana CollectionBellpepper Circle CutBellpepper whole GreenBellpepper whole RedBellpepper top cutBlueberriesSingle blueberryBurger meatButterCarrot Circle CutCarrot Stick Big pieceCarrot Stick Small pieceCarrotCarrot CollectionCheese WheelCherriesChilipepperCinnamon StickCornCucumberCucumber SliceCracked EggEgg wholeEgg friedEggplantEggplant SliceFish headFish Fillet CutFish body cutBream FishCarp FishSnapper FishFlour BagGarlicSingle Garlic CloveGarlic collectionLemonLemon SliceLettuceLettuce LeafLettuce ArrangementMeatballMeat Cube Variant 1Meat Cube Variant 2Milk BottledMilk CardboardMushroom Variant 1 RedMushroom Variant 2 RedMushroom Variant 1 WhiteMushroom Variant 2 WhiteMushroom Cut RedMushroom Cut WhiteOnion Slice RedOnion Slice WhiteOnionOnion CollectionOrangeOrange SlicePeachPeach SlicePineapple Variant 1Pineapple Variant 2PotatoPotato Circle CutPotato Stick CutPotatoes CollectionRaspberriesSingle RaspberryRed Meat Variant SteakRed Meat Variant ShankPepper ShakerSalt ShakerStrawberry WholeStrawberry Half CutSugar BowlTangerine Single SnackTangerineTomatoTomato Circle SliceTurnipWatermelon wholeWatermelon slice77 Materials353 Textures81 Models95 Prefabs1 Scene1024x1024 TexturesMid Range Polygon CountNo Rig1 AnimationUV MappedNo LODPBR Materials (Albedo,Ambient Occlusion,Height,Normal,SpecularSmoothness)