Requires Unity 5.3.x or higher.
DragonBone and Spine to unity animation.
Basic Version: http://github.com/zhouzhanglin/DragonBone_Unity
1. Animation type supported: Simple Bone Animation , SkinnedMesh Animation , FFD Animation.
2. DragonBone nest Armature supported.
3. Spine multi skin support.
4. Easy to control a single vertex.
5. Easy to change the display object material.
6. AvatarMask supported.
7. Animation mix supported.
8. Collider2d support and polygon colloder2d support. The polygonCollider2D will change as changes in animation.
9. Support zorder/draworder animation.
10. UGUI Support.
11.Support Unity5.6 SortingGroup.
12. All source script include.
13. demo and tutorial include.
1. IK Animation supports not perfectly.
2. Don't support skew/shear
3. path and transform constraint
4. rotate beyond 360 degree is not perfect.