A small low poly house with unique textures.These houses do not have internal polygons. the full version with internal polygons is in our pirate pack.Complete your scene with our house using other houses and 3d assets from our Pirate Pack - Low Poly1 wooden house with 3 Unique handpaint textures 1024*512 in PNG FormatThis house model consists of 11 meshes and has a total of 19124 verticesThis house model consists of 11 unique meshes and has a total of 19124 vertices, from these meshes you can build several unique houses as a prefab. There are 3 prefabs in the demo scene and more can be made.If you have any questions, please email us:URP compatibility: After importing this asset into the project, select all materials and then go to Edit > Rendering > Materials > Convert Selected Built-In Materials to URP.