This package contains a modular set to create rooftop / building logos for companys etc. It contains 2 different font types (all 26 letters) and horizontal and vertical racks to mount the letters at.This package contains a modular set to create rooftop / building logos for companys etc. It contains 2 different font types (all 26 letters) and horizontal and vertical racks to mount the letters at. -All racks and letters come with a clean, a dirty and a rusty version.-All letters contain 3 different colorsTextures contain: Albedo, Normal and Maskmap (AO, Metallic Smoothness)Texturesizes: 4096x4096Supports BuiltIn-, URP- and HDRP-RenderpipelineTextures contain: Albedo, Normal and Maskmap (AO, Metallic Smoothness)Texturesizes: 4096x4096Supports BuiltIn-, URP- and HDRP-Renderpipeline