High Quality & Low Poy Trash PackageHigh Quality - Low Poy - Realistic "Trash Package"This pack includes:Dumpsters: 4096x4096 texture with 3 different colors and 3 different styleTrash Cans: 4096x4096 texture with 3 different colors and 3 different styleTrash Bins: 4096x4096 texture with 2 different colors and 3 different styleUrban Trash: 3 carboard boxes - 2 cereal boxes - 1 carton of milk - 7 types of tins- 1 wine bottles - 3 plastic bottles - 1 pizza box3 Garbage Bags: 4096x4096 texture with 2 different colorsTotal Polys : 143542 trisNumber Of Prefabs : 55Number Of Materials : 29We Will Improving and Adding More Models to the Package As Soon As Possible !PREFABS: 55MATERIALS : 29TOTAL POLYS : 143542 tris