Bring your game to life with 470+ futuristic pixel art tiles, effects and object prefabs!
The 2D Pixel Spacecraft Tileset is a scifi platformer tileset, consisting of hundreds of tiles, small and large decorational objects, animated objects and more. Puzzle together your very own futuristic spacecraft or space station interior.
All tiles are 16x16 and all effects and animated objects are multiples of 16.
The pack includes:
* Main sheet with 470+ Unique tiles in 16x16.
* 8 Sheets for animated game objects.
* Sheet with explosions and power-ups.
* Character sheet for Space Marine.
The tileset is packed with:
* Huge variety of ground tiles: 190 tiles, including stairs, slopes and decoration.
* Detailed interior background: 80+ tiles to choose from.
* Ladders, platforms, tubes, exits and crates.
* Decorational elements:
- 11 Bright computer screens.
- 12 Bright direction signs.
- 20 Computer terminals.
- Handrails for all stairs.
* Animated objects include:
- Energy-field doors.
- Keycards.
- Sparks for broken cables (hazards).
- Teleporter/savepoint.
- Electro-hazard.
- Outer Space background window.
* Smooth exterior background.
For support or questions regarding the asset pack, contact me at this address.
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