A tool to save time waiting for script reloads !Is it possible to reduce the wait time for script reload? The answer is yes!My solution was to use C# reflection to achieve this.Why use C# reflection ?1. FlexibilityFrom a single dll to an entire project,take advantage of reflection to reduce wait time2. ControllabilityIn fact, you are using reflection,so you know where to use it and control it3. More features (the most important reason)In the dll you want to reflect, you can do anything,add or delete classes, members, functions, etc.,all can be achieved in reflectionDisadvantages of using reflection1. Some adjustments to the code are required to support reflection,Some extra code needs to be added(very little actually)2. If reflection is used incorrectly, it can easily lead to additional errors.Requires some additional time to implement and debug3. It increases memory overhead, especially when reflecting large dlls,or when loading large files in reflectoin, In fact, a large dll can be brokeninto smaller dlls and then use reflection on the smaller dlls.SummaryTo be honest, reflection isn't perfect and may not be user-friendlyfor first-time users.When I started using it, I also encountered some runningerrors caused by reflection.Then I started with the simplest and made sure it worked,and now it has become one of my important time-saving tools.this tool is great for just starting a project or writing some test code, or writingsome auxiliary tools, If the project is nearing its end, it depends on your timeGive it a try and when you get familiar with it,it might just become your most effective time-saving tool!SuggestionStart with the simplest code, figure out how it works, make sure it works properly.It is not recommended to use reflection for the entire project.Complexity and errors increase unnecessarily. Usually you only needto use reflection for a few DLLs that change frequently to save time.Most dlls probably don't change very often, so keeping them simple iseasier to control and more efficient.Finally, please watch the video to directly experience the effect of this toolNOTE:You need to have .NET SDK (6.0 or higher version) installed on your computer before using this tool.Support Unity 2019 3.0 or higher versionFeedback and Questions