Bookmark camera position, object in hierarchy, prefab, project asset or folder. Access with a single button or shortcut. Track objects in game view, drop your player anywhere and more.Easy to setup tool for speeding up workflow when working on big scenes or open worlds when you need to switch views or folders a lot and select objects, prefabs or assets in large hierarchies and folder structures.Master Bookmarks lets you, among other things,set and quickly jump to favourite camera positions in scene view,select and ping game objects in the hierarchy andset them as the default parent when populating/building a part of the sceneinstantly jump to and show subfolders, prefabs, and other assets in the Asset folderYou can also use your bookmarks in game view through an in-game menu or the shortcuts to jump to your saved positions.Then decide to drop your player controller on the spot for testing or follow/track other moving objects.Other features like getting distances to objects or between them and use labels to identify distant bookmarked objects are there as well.Some bookmarks you set only for the active scene while others, like prefab folders and assets, might be project wide available from all scenes.Use groups, sorting and set button columns to order them and tags for easy filtering.Feature list:🗸 Slim buttons and classic configurable panel.🗸 Quick access to scene view positions, objects, prefabs, assets and folders.🗸 Both scene specific and project wide bookmarks.🗸 Sort, group and quick filter on types or tags.🗸 Can set default parent in hierarchy.🗸 Tags and header comments used as button tooltip.🗸 Show labels on objects in scene and game view.🗸 Measure distance between camera and object or between two objects.🗸 Bookmarks integrated in game view for prototyping.🗸 Set bookmark to make camera follow moving objects in game view.🗸 Includes "Unity-style" free flying camera prototype for game view.🗸 Switch between your player controller and master bookmarks camera.🗸 Drop your player at the bookmark camera position.🗸 Connect bookmark to set default parent in hierarchy.Master Bookmarks instruction videoSupport:Forum threadDiscordMaster Bookmarks can be used with either legacy or new input system in game view.If using the new input system make sure the input system package is installed.Camera Bookmarks FREE is the free basic version of Master Bookmarks if you want to try out a limited amount of the features. See differences listed below.IMPORTANT!For users of Camera Bookmarks.If you're already using Camera Bookmarks, you first have to remove it by deleting the Camera Bookmarks folder found in borgsys->Tools and after that import MasterBookmarks.After importing Master Bookmarks you also have to replace the CameraPrototype scripts with the MasterBookmarksCamera script and reassign it to the CameraBookmarksManager.Other than that your previous bookmarks should be good to go.Demo sceneThe demo scene is made for the built-in render pipeline.Use material conversion wizards for URP or HDRP if you're not already using the prototyping pack (not on asset store but can be downloaded here: borgsystem.com/assetsforunity/).The Prototyping folder can be deleted if you don't need the demo.Available features comparisonMaster Bookmarks - Camera BookmarksIn Scene View✅ - ✅ Camera position bookmark✅ - ✅ Gameobject bookmark✅ - ✅ Prefab bookmark✅ - ❌ Folder and asset bookmarks✅ - ❌ Project wide bookmarks ✅ - ✅ Grouping and sorting✅ - ❌ Custom group names✅ - ❌ Tags and tag filtering✅ - ❌ Shortcut keys✅ - ❌ Labels and distance✅ - ❌ Labels showing based on tag✅ - ❌ Header & tooltip option✅ - ❌ Set default parent in hierarchy✅ - ❌ Extended options in bookmarks editorIn Game View✅ - ✅ Camera position bookmark✅ - ✅ Use shortcut keys✅ - ❌ Labels and distance✅ - ❌ Tags and tag filtering✅ - ❌ Labels showing based on tag✅ - ✅ Following gameobjects✅ - ❌ Camera offset setting✅ - ✅ Shortcut switch between bookmark and main camera✅ - ❌ Drop controller object at bookmark camera position✅ - ❌ Custom controller integration option