This package contains models for games and VR.
By using this package you can assemble a Japanese bathhouse.Features:・All props are ready to use in Standard pipeline and URP・This package includes 120 prefabs・Just drag & drop FBX or prefabs to your scene・All models composed of 12~3900 tris. Optimized for mobile phone and VR・All textures are 512×512 pxs・Can be used without purchasing other bundles・Real-world scale・No self made custom shadersPlease see preview images and the package content to learn more before purchasing.Content:Architecture & Exterior-Bathhouse Exterior-Bathhouse Interior-Block Wall-Road-Soil GroundFurniture-Bathhouse Light-Bathroom Scale (6 variations)-Bench (4 variations)-Cash Desk-Desk-Fan (3 variations)-Fluorescent Lamp-Fridge (3 variations)-Large Mirror-Locker (2 variations)-Noren Curtain (2 variations)-Shoe Rack (3 variations)-Signboard-Sink-TV (2 variations)-Wall ClockProps-Basket (2 variations)-Bath Mat (5 variations)-Bucket-Clothes Basket (3 variations)-Deck Brush-Drink (8 variations)-Emergency Exit Sign-Faucet (2 variations)-Hair Dryer (2 variations)-Ledger Book-Paper Fan-Picture-Plastic Bucket-Poster (20 variations)-Rubber Duck-Shampoo (6 variations)-Shower-Soap (7 variations)-Soap Dish (7 variations)-Soap Package (2 variations)-Stool (4 variations)-Packed Towel (5 variations)If you like our works, check out other packages in the asset store!Operation checked: ・Unity 2022.3.34f1