WebGL video player based on HTML5 video element, that works across standalone and mobile browsers - Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.This plugin allows you to play any video in Unity WebGL build across mobile and standalone browsers. Unity's builtin VideoPlayer struggles with A/V on WebGL builds especially on mobile devices. This package uses HTML5 native video elements to load the video source and exposes the video AV with basic controls to Unity. You can use video URLs either from StreamingAssets path or external web servers (permissing CORS).Test the project demo here.This package has been tested across following platforms - iOS, Mac, Android, and Windows with following browsers - Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Brave.While minimal, the plugin aims to be a complete video player for web across browsers and platforms. Key features include:- Start, Stop, Pause, Resume, (Un)Mute, APIs along with respective callback events.- Resampling of source video texture to preserve aspect ratio or arbitrarly stretch to match target texture size.- Fetch and set video player timestamps.- Supports both in-built and scriptable rendering pipeline.If you find any limitation or want to request new feature, please submit an issue here on git repo. This package is meant for WebGL platform and you're encouraged to stick with Unity's default VideoPlayer for other native platforms. Thus it's also recommended to switch to WebGL platform from "Build Settings" before importing/installing this package to avoid any editor errors.