High-quality, cinematic explosions w/ dynamic lighting.🔥 A high-quality, cinematic explosions asset, featuring lit smoke, dynamic lighting, camera shake, and particle force fields.Start your next project with a 💥BANG💥!!💎 Featuring 20+ prefabs of explosive goodness.📹 See it in action!Watch how each preset generates it's own impulse, triggering a juicy camera shake and blasting away smoke and embers caught in the adjustable radius.Everything seen in the first demo video is included!> Mirza Beig/Cinematic Explosions/Scenes/...Simply drag and drop the prefabs, and/or adjust them as needed.> Mirza Beig/Cinematic Explosions/Prefabs/...🎁 Try the FREE version!> Pairs well with Shockwave Distortion VFX (FREE!)You can support us by leaving a review.If there are any issues, please let us know!🚀 Follow us for more! ✨👇 Unity tutorials, assets, and VFX.YOUTUBE | TWITTER💎 3 (2x voxel res) lit EXPLOSION + lighting prefabs.💎 17 unlit EXPLOSION + lighting prefabs.💎 1 lit SMOKE prefab.💎 Demo scene with lit smoke and dynamic particles.⭐ The effects are powered by Unity's particle system.⭐ BONUS: camera shake system + realtime forces for VFX.NOTE/TIP: For many realtime dynamic lights, use URP's Forward+ or Deferred renderer.