Use the Tilemap system but in 3D! This uses no extra GameObjects to render, resulting in maximum performance.
Works with most existing Tilemap assets such as Tiles, Random Tiles, and Animated Tiles.Cubes and voxels galore! Great for level design or in-game world editing.Includes new Tilemap functions that let you set an query cubes instead of just 2D tiles.Also includes a brush for easy level design in the editor.Unlike similar assets, this does not use GameObjects for every cube, and instead only uses tiles. This means huge improvements in performance for you.- Takes Tilemaps and adds a third dimension- Built-in shortcuts for switching between tools (paint, erase, fill, etc.)- Compatability with most existing Tilemap tools- High performance- Super easy to use and to add functionality to- Completely customizable- The quickest, easiest tool to build a world out of blocks in Unity- Includes function and button to optimize tilemap by removing redundant faces- Please note that this asset is made to render cubes, not store and maximally optimize them. They will automatically be culled when outside of the camera's view but you cannot have high FPS while rendering hundreds of thousands of cubes unless you load and unload chunks as well as only render cubes/sides that players can seeIncludes a 3D Tile Brush with paint, erase, box fill, and flood fill across 3 dimensions.Brush comes with options to paint tons of tiles at once.Also includes extended Tilemap functions so you can use code to place tiles.ie tilemap.Set3DTile(), tilemap.GetTile3D(), etc