3D model asset pack containing 42 wine cellar props for your project or game's scene.Great for prototyping / making games.Contains 3 Example scenes of how you can layout your level. (Example scenes are only a suggestion of how the objects can be positioned and should be adapted to the targeted hardware)Objects: Barrels, Barrel Stands, Basement Doors, Ceiling Lights, Circular Table, Doors, Floor + Roof Textures, Long Table, Padlock, Picture Frames, Pillar, Stairs, Walls, Wall Racks, Wine Bottles, Wine Glasses, Wine Racks.3D Object Format: .OBJTexture Resolution & Format: 1024 x 1024 .PNGMaps: AlbedoModel Poly Count (p):- Barrel = 90p- BarrelStand1 = 92p- BarrelStand2 = 264p- BasementDoor1 = 112p- BasementDoor2 = 448p- CeilingLight = 45p- CircularTable = 100p- Door = 78p- LongTable = 108p- Padlock = 39p- PictureFrame1 = 14p- PictureFrame2 = 14p- Pillar = 22p- Stairs = 202p- Wall = 1p- WallRack1 = 408p- WallRack2 = 213p- WineBottle1 = 56p- WineBottle2 = 48p- WineBottle3 = 56p- WineGlass = 72p- WineLiquid = 24p- WineRack = 546p