The Electric Dragon pack is an audio pack you can use to create the sounds of a big electricity-spewing dragon.This is a construction pack that includes numerous audio files for creating the sounds of an Electric Dragon.I have includedFight SoundsElectric Sounds (From Arcs to Static)Steps Sound on different surfacesVocalization Sounds for adding to your project I Have included.Wav - for Quality (44.1khz 24bit)Filename DescriptionWings Ground Flap 8The sound of wings flapping whilst on the groundWings Ground Flap 7The sound of wings flapping whilst on the groundWings Ground Flap 6The sound of wings flapping whilst on the groundWings Ground Flap 5The sound of wings flapping whilst on the groundWings Ground Flap 4The sound of wings flapping whilst on the groundWings Ground Flap 3The sound of wings flapping whilst on the groundWings Ground Flap 2The sound of wings flapping whilst on the groundWings Ground Flap 1The sound of wings flapping whilst on the groundWing Whoosh 8The sound of wings whooshWing Whoosh 7The sound of wings whooshWing Whoosh 6The sound of wings whooshWing Whoosh 5The sound of wings whooshWing Whoosh 4The sound of wings whooshWing Whoosh 3The sound of wings whooshWing Whoosh 2The sound of wings whooshWing Whoosh 1The sound of wings whooshWing Flap Fast 8Fast Wing FlapWing Flap Fast 7Fast Wing FlapWing Flap Fast 6Fast Wing FlapWing Flap Fast 5Fast Wing FlapWing Flap Fast 4Fast Wing FlapWing Flap Fast 3Fast Wing FlapWing Flap Fast 2Fast Wing FlapWing Flap Fast 1Fast Wing FlapAir Wing FlapWing Flap In the airAir Wing Flap 8Wing Flap In the airAir Wing Flap 7Wing Flap In the airAir Wing Flap 6Wing Flap In the airAir Wing Flap 5Wing Flap In the airAir Wing Flap 4Wing Flap In the airAir Wing Flap 3Wing Flap In the airAir Wing Flap 2Wing Flap In the airAir Wing Flap 1Wing Flap In the airWalking 1 SlowVox for walking slowWalking 1 fastVox for walking fastShort grunt 2 (perform action)GruntsShort grunt 2 (being hit)GruntsShort Grunt 1 (perform action)GruntsShort Grunt 1 (being hit)GruntsSadness 2The sound of a sad DragonSadness 1The sound of a sad DragonRunning 2 slowVox for running slowRunning 1 fastVox for running fastPain 2 shortCreature in PainPain 2 longCreature in PainPain 1 shortCreature in PainPain 1 longCreature in PainLong grunt 2 (perform action)GruntsLong grunt 2 (being hit)GruntsLong grunt 1 (perform action)GruntsLong grunt 1 (being hit)GruntsInquisitive 2The sound of creature intriquedInquisitive 1The sound of creature intriquedIdle 2IDLE VocalizationIdle 1IDLE VocalizationGrowl _ Scream 2 shortGrowlsGrowl _ Scream 2 longGrowlsGrowl _ Scream 1 shortGrowlsGrowl _ Scream 1 longGrowlsEating 2The sound of creature eatingEating 1The sound of creature eatingDragon SnoreThe sound of dragon snoringDragon Roar 2RoarsDragon Roar 1RoarsDragon Laugh 4LaughDragon Laugh 3LaughDragon Laugh 2LaughDragon Laugh 1LaughDragon Growl 2GrowlsDragon Growl 1GrowlsDeath 4Death / DyingDeath 3Death / DyingDeath 2Death / DyingDeath 1Death / DyingCall 4Slow Call over long distancesCall 3Slow Call over long distancesCall 2Slow Call over long distancesCall 1Slow Call over long distancesBreath 2 FastBreath soundsBreath 1 SlowBreath soundsBreath 1 Slow bBreath soundsAgro 4The sound of creature when getting into agro rangeAgro 3The sound of creature when getting into agro rangeAgro 2The sound of creature when getting into agro rangeAgro 1The sound of creature when getting into agro rangeAfraid 2The sound of hurt and afraid creatureAfraid 1The sound of hurt and afraid creatureThunder 6The sound of Thunder ClapThunder 5The sound of Thunder ClapThunder 4The sound of Thunder ClapThunder 3The sound of Thunder ClapThunder 2The sound of Thunder ClapThunder 1The sound of Thunder ClapElectric Dragon Thunder Attack 5Thunder Attack Electric Dragon Thunder Attack 4Thunder Attack Electric Dragon Thunder Attack 3Thunder Attack Electric Dragon Thunder Attack 2Thunder Attack Electric Dragon Thunder Attack 1Thunder Attack Distant Thunder 7Distant thunder soundsDistant Thunder 6Distant thunder soundsDistant Thunder 5Distant thunder soundsDistant Thunder 4Distant thunder soundsDistant Thunder 3Distant thunder soundsDistant Thunder 2Distant thunder soundsDistant Thunder 1Distant thunder soundsSnow Step 8StepsSnow Step 7StepsSnow Step 6StepsSnow Step 5StepsSnow Step 4StepsSnow Step 3StepsSnow Step 2StepsSnow Step 1StepsShallow Water Step 8StepsShallow Water Step 7StepsShallow Water Step 6StepsShallow Water Step 5StepsShallow Water Step 4StepsShallow Water Step 3StepsShallow Water Step 2StepsShallow Water Step 1StepsRock Step 8StepsRock Step 7StepsRock Step 6StepsRock Step 5StepsRock Step 4StepsRock Step 3StepsRock Step 2StepsRock Step 1StepsPuddle Step 8StepsPuddle Step 7StepsPuddle Step 6StepsPuddle Step 5StepsPuddle Step 4StepsPuddle Step 3StepsPuddle Step 2StepsPuddle Step 1StepsLoose Rock Step 8StepsLoose Rock Step 7StepsLoose Rock Step 6StepsLoose Rock Step 5StepsLoose Rock Step 4StepsLoose Rock Step 3StepsLoose Rock Step 2StepsLoose Rock Step 1StepsGrass Step 8StepsGrass Step 7StepsGrass Step 6StepsGrass Step 5StepsGrass Step 4StepsGrass Step 3StepsGrass Step 2StepsGrass Step 1StepsCore Step 8StepsCore Step 7StepsCore Step 6StepsCore Step 5StepsCore Step 4StepsCore Step 3StepsCore Step 2StepsCore Step 1StepsSparksSparks that can be used as layers or ambienceSparks Short 4Sparks that can be used as layers or ambienceSparks Short 3Sparks that can be used as layers or ambienceSparks Short 2Sparks that can be used as layers or ambienceSparks Short 1Sparks that can be used as layers or ambienceSparks LongSparks that can be used as layers or ambienceElectric Dragon Arc2 LongWhen dragon fires a electricity sparkElectric Dragon Arc1 LoopWhen dragon fires a electricity sparkTail Swing Slow 4Tail SwingTail Swing Slow 3Tail SwingTail Swing Slow 2Tail SwingTail Swing Slow 1Tail SwingTail Swing Fast 4Tail SwingTail Swing Fast 3Tail SwingTail Swing Fast 2Tail SwingTail Swing Fast 1Tail SwingSlow Paw Swipe 4Paw SwingSlow Paw Swipe 3Paw SwingSlow Paw Swipe 2Paw SwingSlow Paw Swipe 1Paw SwingFast Paw Swipe 4Paw SwingFast Paw Swipe 3Paw SwingFast Paw Swipe 2Paw SwingFast Paw Swipe 1Paw SwingElectric Dragon Static AmbienceAmbienceElectric Dragon Spew 4Electric AttackElectric Dragon Spew 4 No VoiceElectric Attack with no VoiceElectric Dragon Spew 3Electric AttackElectric Dragon Spew 3 No VoiceElectric Attack with no VoiceElectric Dragon Spew 2Electric AttackElectric Dragon Spew 2 No VoiceElectric Attack with no VoiceElectric Dragon Spew 1Electric AttackElectric Dragon Spew 1 No VoiceElectric Attack with no VoiceBite Crush 5Bites / ChompsBite Crush 4Bites / ChompsBite Crush 3Bites / ChompsBite Crush 2Bites / ChompsBite Crush 1Bites / Chomps