Animated Squirrel Model with 43 animations.
The squirrel is animated and rigged, ready to be used in your games and projects.Simple animation contoller provided with all animations listed. 44 animations in total:Dance (6)DeathHappy Walk (3)Hurt (2)Idle (4)Jump (4)Looking Around Run ForwardStanding JumpTalking (2)Throw ItemThumb UpVictory (6)Walk (6)Waling BackwarsWarming Up Contact:For questions, concerns or assistance please contact us via: Email: info@dexsoft-games.com Join Discord Server Note:Playtest run is shoot in free Fantastic Village Pack by Tidal Flask Studios. This pack is NOT included, only the animated squirrel model. Triangles: 10278Vertices: 5764Animations: 44Number of Meshes: 1Number of Prefabs: 1Number of Materials: 3Number of Textures: 6Texture Sizes: up to 4KTexture formats: PNG and TGA