Improve the quality of life for your designers by giving them easily visible and descriptive errors, warnings, and comments... right in the Hierarchy window!The Hierarchy Message system is a convenient and unobtrusive way to communicate to designers about potential problems or items of significance in their scenes.Required Properties! Add an NzRequired attribute to Object and String properties in order to communicate to designers that an assignment is necessary for the surrounding script logic to function properly.Find Problems Quickly! Use the Find Hierarchy Messages menu option to quickly track down GameObjects in your scenes which have errors, warnings, or comments.Leave Comments! Includes our NzComment Component which allows you to leave notes or instructions for other people on your team.Clean Visuals! Color coded tooltips (2022.1+), properties, and icons let you know what’s most important to focus on.Custom Interface! Easily hook into the message system to provide custom messages based on whatever parameters you decide.Free Attribute! Add the NzReadOnly attribute to properties that are meant to only display information within the Inspector window.All code is included! Customize it to your needs...See the sample videos for examples and benefits!Works with older and newer versions of Unity!