Dissolve or materialize objects with a directional or a random noise dissolve shaderThis package contains 2 easy to use and fully customizable URP lit dissolve shadergraphs.You can choose between a random noise dissolve shader or a directional dissolve shader where you can specify the direction in which the object should be dissolved.Fully customizable:Base texturenormal mapMetallic mapEmission mapEmission strengthdissolve colordissolve noise strengthEdge thicknessSmoothnes ( Directional Dissolve Shader only)DIssolve direction (Directional Dissolve Shader only)Dissolve from base texture to a second specified texture:set a second base texture to dissolve toEnable dissolved textureenable/disable transparency of dissolved textureThis package supports only the Universal render pipelinedissolve from one texture to anotherdocumentation explaining how to use shadersfully configurable shaders2 subgraphs2 shadergraphs ( random and directional)2 Demo scenes and galaxy skybox included