Complete Tileset for Platform, Top Down and Isometric
Galactic Honey
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Isometric cute tile set!ONE AXOLOTL CHARACTER AS BONUS:-Walk and idle animations.32x32 PIXEL PLATFORM TILE SET:-3 unique sets, one underwater set, one realistic and one fantastic.-Fantastic tiles have 5 colors and 59 pieces each.-Realistic tiles have 48 pieces.-Underwater tiles have 31 pieces.16x16 PIXEL PLATFORM TILE SET:-4 colors-66 piece for each141 PIECES FOR ISOMETRIC:Dungeon Tiles: (17 PIECES)-1 Barrel (25x28 pxl)-Skeleton head (13x14 pxl)-Bone (19x11 pxl)-Two bones (20x14 pxl)-Cuffed hand bone (10x10 pxl)-3 Gray walls (26x29,32x32,32x25 pxl)-3 Mossy walls (26x29,32x32,32x25 pxl)-3 Red walls (26x29,32x32,32x25 pxl)Liquid Tiles: (14 PIECES)-4 Pink liquid blocks (two 32x32 pxl, two 32x25 pxl)-4 Green liquid blocks (two 32x32 pxl, two 32x25 pxl)-4 Blue liquid blocks (two 32x32 pxl, two 32x25 pxl)-2 Lava (32x32 pxl, 32x25 pxl)Normal Tiles: (28 PIECES)-Glass (32x32 pxl)-Chest (32x32 pxl)-Brown wood (32x32 pxl)-Green wood (32x32 pxl)-Two Ice blocks (32x32 pxl, 32x25 pxl)-Two stones with snow (32x32 pxl,32x25 pxl)-Dirt with snow (32x32 pxl)-Two sand blocks (32x32 pxl,32x25 pxl)-Two cactus blocks (36x32 pxl,36x34 pxl)-Four grass blocks ( three 32x32 pxl, one 32x25 pxl)-Two dirt blocks(32x32 pxl, 32x25 pxl)-Three stones (one 32x32 pxl, two 32x25 pxl)-Four darker stones (two 32x32 pxl,two 32x25 pxl)-Two mossy stones(32x32 pxl,32x25 pxl)One Color Blocks: (13 PIECES)-17 blocks with different colors,same texture (32x32 pxl)Props: (62 PIECES)-Bridge(33x23 pxl)-Two stones (11x7 pxl)-Yellow flower (8x16 pxl)-Two grass prop (11x9 pxl)-Lilipad (15x11 pxl)-Grass prop 2 (12x9 pxl)-Grass props 3 (18x11 pxl)-Blue and pink flower (16x11 pxl)-Grass prop 4 (21x9 pxl)-Halloween props:-Four square grave stones (14x21 pxl)-Two square grave stones with spider web(26x24 pxl)-Square graveyards (35x37 pxl,47x34 pxl,)-Five circular grave stones(14x18 pxl)-Two circular grave stones with spider webs(23x18 pxl)-Circular graveyards (35x34 pxl,35x31 pxl)-Three tree hole(two 51x27 pxl,one 51x31 pxl)-Pumpkins (27x21 pxl, 43x21 pxl)-Pupmkins with leaf (37x25 pxl, 35x25 pxl)-Small lamp (14x19 pxl)-Street lights (31x64 pxl,16x64 pxl)-Six Cauldrons(29x30 pxl)-Fence for each directions (17x28 pxl,18x35 pxl,34x28 pxl)-Shiny Assets: (7 PIECE)-Lava(32x25 pxl)-Torch (6x13 pxl)-Two Flowers (16x11 pxl)-Campfire (17x13 pxl)-Two lamps (12x13 pxl).UI AS A BONUS GIFT:-One set that looks like a 3d button(but 2d), also has 4 colors and 3 sizes for each color.AND animations!-One set has 2 colors and just straight 2d buttons, 24 pieces each.-One set has 5 colors and also 2d buttons, 25 pieces each.