Current Features - Version 1.1Inventory SystemEasy Item Creation SystemDrag and Drop FunctionalityPlayer Character with Idle, Walk, and Shoot animations in 4 directions (35x75 px)Basic Player Movement ScriptBasic Enemy Script2 Animated Sheep CharactersInteractive Elements: Trees, Rocks, Grass (Enemies can utilize appropriate tools to destroy them)2 Enemy Types with Idle and Walk animations (35x75 px)18 Basic Item IconsBasic GUI100+ Environment Seasonal Tilesets (48x48 px)1 FontNew Update!! - Version 1.1Crafting SystemIntroduction of 4 Additional Zombie Enemy TypesInclusion of More Animals: Chickens, and Rabbits7 Characters (NPCs) with Idle and Walking animations (3 villagers and 4 soldiers)Upcoming Features - Version 1.2100+ Advanced Survival IconsExpanded GUIAdditional Environmental Seasonal TilesetsCrafting Machines for the Survival Game*If there are additional updates, I may need to increase the price.*If you have any questions about the assets, feel free to contact me at goten228500@hotmail.com.*Tutorial videos will be coming soon.