A first person controller with a simple EnemyAI for dungeoncrawler games.
DungeonCrawlerController is a player movement script to use in games similar to gridbased dungeoncrawlers like the old classic Dungeon Master and Eye of the beholder and the new ones like Grimrock and Vaporum.
This asset consists of a demo dungeon with doors and stairs, a player prefab and an enemy prefab. All to make you start making your own dungeoncrawler game.
The player script allows you to use freelook, rotate, bobbing and walk in all four directions and the enemy script makes the enemies chase and attack the player.
It also includes some simple and cool wall and ceiling models, an UI compass and fully functional doors with levers..
Key features
• Ready made playerprefabs.
• Move the player with keys, buttons or touch/swipe.
• Simple EnemyAI.
• Mouselook with auto rotate.
• Ready made wall, ceiling floor and stairs prefabs.
• Fully functional door with levers or pressureplates.
• Stairs up and down to change levels.
• Demo level.
• Note! in this version I have reverted to the old input system.
Windows demo