EOverlays is a editor tool for Unity 3D game engine to write custom editor tools & utilities. EOverlay uses Overlays at Unity-List & Array type support-E-Overlay can now display in editor window (Window/E-Overlays/Show)-Visual improvementsEOverlays is a editor tool for Unity 3D game engine to write custom editor tools & utilities. EOverlay uses Overlays at Unity (you can discover overlays from this link). You can create level editors, debug buttons, any variables etc. with this tool.Your scripts must be children of the Editor folder.You can discover some usages from Samples in the package.AttributeYou must add this attribute to your method to serialize.[EOverlayElement(name:"Tab Name",order:0,enableCondition:"condition_variable_name")]Enable ConditionIf you want to control your methods visibility with bool variable you can use enable condition parameter.public static bool EnableCondition {get; set;} [EOverlayElement(name:"Tab Name",order:0,enableCondition:"EnableCondition")]MethodsYour methods must be static and public to work correctly.Supported Types[EOverlayElement(name:"Tab Name",order:0,enableCondition:"condition_variable_name")]public static Type MyMethod(Type a,Type b,Type c){}Also you can show your custom VisualElement.[EOverlayElement(name:"Tab Name",order:0,enableCondition:"condition_variable_name")]public static VisualElement MyMethod(){}Method Samples[EOverlayElement(name:"Tab1")] public static Color MixColors(Color myColor,Color secondaryColor) { return (myColor + secondaryColor)/2; }