A customizable dragon in medieval/fantasy style.Shaders are easily convertable to all pipelines with Unity's default conversion workflow.A medieval-fantasy-styled dragon, customizable with blend shapes and two texture sets that are only slightly colorized in red and green, making it easy to choose your own colors if desired. Works great in both FPS and top-down games.HIGHLIGHTSFully rigged and animated.Optimized and game-ready with LODs.Blend shapes for head parts and claws.2 texture sets in 4k.Enjoy!Vertex Counts38,1k25,8k (LOD1)17,5k (LOD2)Textures (4096x4096, split into Body & Head)Diffuse Green (2x)Diffuse Red (2x)Normal (2x)Metallic/Smoothness (2x)Blend ShapesHead - ChinHead - Front SpikeHead - NoseHead - SpikesHead - Closed EyesClawsTeethAnimations (34x incl. 12x Root Motion)### Animations have been made with Cascadeur ###Flare UpFly DownFly Fire BreathFly Forward (+RM)Fly Forward Fast (+RM)Fly Gliding (+RM)Fly Gliding to Idle (+RM)Fly StationaryFly Up (+RM)Idle 01Idle 02Idle 03Idle Standing 01Idle Standing 02Idle Standing 03Idle Standing to Walk (+RM)Run (+RM)Run Fast (+RM)Walk (+RM)Walk Fast (+RM)Walk Fire BreathWalk to Fly