Keep your projects lean and clean with the brand new merciless Assetinator. Hunt down all the unused stuff to get an optimized project that’s better to work with, faster to copy/backup and easier to extend.
The Assetinator scans even large projects and buildlogs lightning fast and often instantaneous.
Just one example: scanning The free “République Tech Demo” from the asset store takes the Assetinator just seconds instead of minutes.
The Assetinator recognizes added files after each build and removed files on the fly. It targets unused assets, materials and autogenerated stuff that increase your project size and leaves the final decision up to you: Eliminate and move a dispensable file to the system trash with a simple context menu or ignore it in future scans by clicking a simple button.
The Assetinator deliberately focuses on one task only to solve it best: Project Clean Up.
It delivers high code quality developed by a professional team with peer reviews and automated testing. It has a clean and simple user interface and works well with version control systems.
You can expect ongoing excellent support from an employee-owned company that’s in business for over 20 years. For any questions and feedback please contact us at assets@spin.de