Pixelart Samurai Sideview Tileset - #3 - Bamboo Forest contains a beautiful 2D pixelart bamboo forest environment with brilliant parallaxThis pack contains 92 environment sprites that can be perfectly used for 2D sideview Metroidvania, Adventure, Endlessrunner and many more game genres. This pack offers an authentic bamboo forest environment and is part of a larger Samurai Pixelart series, featuring several environment and character packs. The pack comes with brilliant Parallax already setup and 4 environment background layers as well as one foreground layer and the ground tileset in between. All ruletiles are already set up.Contents:Ground tilesetStraw fence tileset15 Bamboos with leafs15 Bamboos without leafs15 Plants5 Grass backgrounds bottom5 Grass backgrounds topSmall Parallax scriptHuge demo scene with Parallax already set upAll of our Pixelart Samurai Sideview packs from this series:https://assetstore.unity.com/lists/pixelart-samurai-sideview-9071756029963For questions contact us on Discord: https://discord.gg/qzz2DrU9nVSprite count: 92 Environment spritesAnimated: NoAdditional: pixel based (Pixelart)Ground tileset dimensions: 16x16