SURVIVAL CARPENTER CLICKERSURVIVAL CARPENTER CLICKERIS AN ENGAGING IDLE CLICKER AND SIMULATION GAME WHERE PLAYERS ASSUME THE ROLE OF A SKILLED CARPENTER SURVIVING IN THE WI LDERNESS. THEY MUST SKILLFUL LY MANAGE CONTRACTS, IMPROVE THEIR CARPENTRY SKILLS, GATHER VALUABLE WOOD, AND EXPAND THEIR BASE BY CONSTRUCTING NEW ROOMS AND ACQUIRING ADVANCED TOOLS. THE ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO CREATE EXQUISITE FURNITURE PIECES AND FLOURISH IN THIS DEMANDING ENVIRONMENT.Demo for WindowsSimilar assetsIdle clicker strategyIdle clicker strategy Net* Gathering resources- several types of wood differing in quality and value- oak, pine, mahogany, birch and cedar- different wood types will have different harvest times, with rarer woods taking longer to harvest.* Craft- Players can customize furniture designs using different woods and crafting methods.* Expanding the base by constructing additional buildings- Buildings are built for money.- The buildings include workshops, warehouses and specialized facilities.* Contracts that the player performs- Contracts have specific requirements such as wood type and furniture design- Completing contracts brings rewards, reputation, and experience points.- Seasonal or special event contracts offer unique awards and furniture designs.* Carpentry skills are improved by points that the player receives for completing contracts.- skill upgrades unlock new furniture designs and base upgrades.- research by spending money to unlock better carpentry methods.- advanced research grants permanent skill upgrades and bonuses.