Grow your plants automatically on the Unity terrain, changing them according to the seasons and destroying them when they are supposed to die, all without having to type a single line of code.Create plants that grow in several phases, giving them a dynamic appearance. You can modify the size, the duration between phases, the destruction of the plant at the end of a phase, and the transition to the next phase. You can also customize the texture, color, density, coverage and scale of plants, and choose between grass, billboarding or mesh rendering modes.Note:This asset contains the following licenses:- Microsoft.Bcl.HashCodeI under MIT license- Signika Light under OFL license- Glyphicons Halflings Regular (Generated by DocFX) under MIT license- FavIcon (Generated by DocFX) under MIT license(See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.)Features- Plants grow in several phases with different size, duration, destruction and transition options- Grass have customizable texture, color, density, coverage, scale and renderSupported OSTested on Linux and WindowsLink to documentationhttps://simpleplantgrowth.soywar.com/