This package is a lite version of "Little Friends - Cartoon Animals." It contains 3D models of a cat, a squirrel and a cake. The rigs are humanoid and animated. Ver. 2019.4 or higher has been tested.This is a package of a little cat, a little squirrel and two different cakes.The little cat and little squirrel have four different facial textures. The eyebrows, eyelids, and tails have blendshapes, and the animation clips already have blendshapes set up.There are 10 different prefabs and 9 different animations. In the demo scene you can easily see how the prefabs play all the animations. There is also close-up demo scenes of the character.The character is cute with a round body and short limbs. They are also very expressive, crying and happy. A small cake that suits them is a bonus of the lite version.- Animation Type :01_TPose02_Idle03_Walk04_Run05_Jump06_Greeting07_Eat08_Sleep0109_Sleep0210_Sleep03- Demo scene : 4- Polygon count :Cat : 22080Squirrel : 25216Cake : 2688- Prefabs : 10- Textures : 16- Texture size : 1024x1024- System requirements : Ver.2019.4.0 or higherAlso, the last video is a short story made using the 3D model in this package. The prefabs of snowman and branches are not included in this package.Please contact us if you have any questions or problems.