This Package contains unique handmade / keyframe soccer animationsDefense movementsGoal Keeper movementsRun variations, fall variations, shoot variationsFreekick, corner kick, throw in, shoot, penalty, passSlide, fall, trip, dribblingSpins, tackles, special skillsTexture count : 2 Grass Texture : 8192x8192 pngBall Texture : 318 x 159 pngIn Place Animation Count : 47Root Animation Count : 42Ball Animations are bonus : 19- Celebration- Celebration 02- Chest Control- Corner Kick- Defense Run- Defense Run 02- Dribbling- Dribbling 02- Fall- Fall 02- Freekick- Freekick idle- Full stop- Goal Keeper defense- Goal Keeper save- Goal Keeper save02- Goal Keeper start - Head- idle- idle 02- idle 03- injured ground- injured walk- jog- kick- pass- run- run backwards- run dribbling- run fast- run start- scissors kick - shoot- slide- slide 02- spin- spin02- standup - through tackle- throwin- walk- wall idle- wall jump idle- wall jump idle 02- wall reaction- warmup loop- warmup startAnimation setup is LegacyYou can switch to Humanoid and they will be work fine.All animations are organized in the projectAnimations are both root / inplace motionThe character and ball included.Number of textures : 2Texture dimensions : 8192x8192 - 318x159Polygon count of [Character] Body : 1608 vertices Shoes : 318 vertices x 2Short : 266 verticesTshirt : 414 verticesSocks : 868 verticesMinimum polygon count : 1Maximum polygon count : 3.800Number of meshes/prefabs : 7 seperate meshes : 1 character : 1 character prefab 1 plane meshRigging: Rigged characterAnimation count : 47+42+19Animation type listUV mapping: NoLOD information (No)Types of materials and texture maps (Unity Standart Material)