Save time and money making UI and make the Game better.It uses the new Input System, the UI Toolkit and Text Mesh ProThe Minimalist menu template is a simple menu ready to use on any 2D game, it already has most of the most common menu options included and working like graphics, controls, sound, saving, shops, profile/inventory and even some accesibility.The code is made in a way that you can customize it very easily. Everything is in 1 script and every function does only 1 thing, it's all commented, with very easy tu understand variables and doesn't use any advance keywords or complicated optimizations.Now, most features already work, but you need to do a little bit of work too. for example, the cloud save button cannot work without you connecting it to the cloud or the sounds without you choosing some of them.To be transparent, some feautres are in progress, at the moment those are: screen reader, subtitles, font choise and font size.The package comes with a document explaining how to start making your game using this template, it also has 2 video tutorials showing how UI Toolkit works (In spanish with subtitles in multiple lenguages)Made with the new Input System, UI Toolkit and Text Mesh Pro for max performance.13 Languages working.Works in most resolutions (720p - 8K).Works in most Aspect Ratios (5:4 - 16-9 - 3:1)The package comes with a settings folder for graphics in general, free fonts, and some free icons from the Ludus Meta Icon Pack.